Museums and Exhibits

Be on the cutting-edge in technology just like the best exhibits and museums from around the world.
Guided visits of museums, exhibits, and galleries are a must, and the best way to do them is with our GIP 1 System® radioguides. See that visitors have a unique experience and that they can understand what the guide is explaining perfectly. This is in addition to other advantages like: 

  • Being able to manage larger groups.
  • Improving explanations and making the job less tiring for the guide.
  • Offering an excellent tool for older adults and those with disabilities. 
  • Giving visitors great satisfaction, as they’ll understand the entire explanation perfectly without missing out on any of the details during the visit.

Join the companies that have successfully implemented GIP 1 System® radioguides this year: Grupo Bimbo, Alpura, Barcel, General Motors, Marinela, Dulces Vero, and Kraft Foods, among many others.
With our additional option, you can also carry out personalized visits with our digital AG 1 audioguide system, which allows visitors to plan their visit freely as they’re guided by a recording of a professional and pleasant voice that will make the tour an experience in itself. What’s more, you can offer the option of listening to the explanation in different languages.

This is highly recommended as a tool for museums and exhibits that are often visited by both national and foreign tourists and for themed museums.